DISCLAIMER: Due to the variations of color that can occur when viewing a fabric sample printed on paper or on a monitor, please refer to the actual fabric sample book before making your final decision.

100% Solution-dyed acrylic fiber
140 cm / 55" ± 1%
270 g/m2 / 7.9 oz/yd2 ± 5 %
Special Infinity treatment for upholstery. Water repellent, stain resistant, rot-proof and breathable. PFAS Free
Color Fastness
Roll Length
30 m / 32 yards
Abrasión resistance
30.000 cycles
Tensile Strength Warp
175 daN/5 cm / 317 Ibf ± 5%
Tensile Strength Weft
80 daN/5 cm / 166 Ibf ± 5%
Tear Strength Warp
22 daN/5 cm / 57.1 Ibf ± 5%
Tear Strength Weft
20 daN/5 cm / 48.4 Ibf ± 5%
Water column
110 mm / 10.8 mbar