Recasens knows that in today’s competitive environment, to make the sale you really need to stand out in the crowd. Quality materials, craftsmanship, customer service, price — these are all stellar reasons to choose one company over another, but if your prospects don’t know how great you are, they’ll never buy from you! This is where a strong marketing program can make or break you.
Recasens is not only committed to providing you great product, we’re here to make sure your customers know you have it! We have a whole library of ready-made marketing tools at your disposal to help you differentiate yourself from the run-of-the-mill competition. And if that’s not enough, we’ll help you create house brands, custom marketing materials and programs to help you and your distributors succeed. We are confident that no other fabric company will provide the kind of marketing support that we do. Contact us today to see how Recasens can help your company stand apart from the competition.